Blended Courses: Topics

White Water

This four week course is for teachers who want to create a Moodle site to supplement their face to face classroom instruction.Read the overview below.

Section 1

Week One: Design
Participants will learn how to:

  1. Design Moodle environment
  2. Add graphics
  3. Add documents
      Green Water

      Week Two: Forums
      Participants will learn how to:

      1. Create and use forums
      2. Layout and organize course content
      3. Add web links

        Section 3
        Week 3: Assignments and Files
        Participants will learn how to:
        1. Use online and offline assignments
        2. Use the gradebook
        3. Setup course files
        Section 4
        Week 4: Moodle Web 2.0 Tools
        Blogs, Glossaries, Choice, Journals, Feeback

        Participants will learn how to:
        1. Use these Moodle Web 2.0 tools: Choice, Blogs, Journals, Feedback, and Glossary
        2. Integrate Google apps

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          SINGAPORE 308215
          +1 (2) 345 6789
          +1 (2) 345 6789

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